SVSP - Salinas Valley State Prison
SVSP stands for Salinas Valley State Prison
Here you will find, what does SVSP stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Salinas Valley State Prison? Salinas Valley State Prison can be abbreviated as SVSP What does SVSP stand for? SVSP stands for Salinas Valley State Prison. What does Salinas Valley State Prison mean?Salinas Valley State Prison is an expansion of SVSP
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Alternative definitions of SVSP
- Sub Teniente Nestor Arias airport
- St Vladimir's Seminary Press
- St. Vincent Sports Performance
- Silicon Valley Security Patrol
- SAN Virtualization Services Platform
- Salinas Valley State Prisons
View 14 other definitions of SVSP on the main acronym page
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- SJS Saint John School
- SFKAL Sona Fuji Kiko Automotive Limited
- SG The Steadman Group
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- SRS Scott Rotary Seals
- SUAL Starr Underwriting Agents Limited
- SDCS Simply Delicious Catering Services
- SCE Short Circuit Electronics
- STG Sherpa Technology Group
- SOPL Sterling Ornament Pvt Ltd
- SDI Sheldon Design and Imaging
- SCE Strength and Conditioning Education
- SJCBA San Joaquin County Bar Association